Prostatitis in men is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which can be caused by a variety of reasons, from hypothermia and an inactive lifestyle to infectious diseases. There are two main types, the symptoms are not the same: acute and chronic.
Acute prostatitis
Acute prostatitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- temperature rise;
- severe pain in the perineum, groin and above the pubis.
- frequent and painful urination;
- discomfort after intercourse;
- erectile dysfunction.
Chronic prostatitis
Men with chronic prostatitis may have no symptoms, except for erection problems. A large number of men tend to associate erectile dysfunction and the occurrence of discomfort during and after intercourse with anything. They attribute fatigue, increased physical activity, etc. to the cause of their problem, but not due to illness, and they are in no hurry to see a doctor. But the more neglected cases, the harder it is to cure the disease. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor from time to time for the purpose of preventive examination.
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis:
- irregular and rapid pain in the perineum, in the groin and above the pubis;
- decreased libido;
- rapid ejaculation or, conversely, prolonged sexual intercourse;
- decreased orgasm brightness;
- discharge from the urethra;
- increased fatigue.
Not all of these signs are there at once. Different patients may have different manifestations of the disease.
Proper treatment of prostatitis not only eliminates the symptoms, but also eliminates the root cause of the disease. Treatment of acute, as well as chronic, prostatitis must begin with a thorough diagnosis of the body.
Causes and signs of prostatitis
Almost 50% of men over the age of 30 have some sign of the disease. The spread of the disease is due to the fact that it can be caused not only by a bacterial infection, but also by blood stasis in the pelvic organs, which is caused by:
- inactive lifestyle and, especially, inactive work;
- prolonged sexual abstinence;
- stress, psychological and physical burdens, etc . ;
- Malnutrition;
- bad ecology;
- hypothermia;
- bad habits;
- panties that are too tight.
Therefore, the cause of prostatitis can be a daily lifestyle. To review that, frankly, is not so difficult.
The best prevention of prostatitis is a healthy lifestyle
To prevent the appearance of signs of prostatitis, simply:
- to startdress warmer;
- to stopabusing alcohol and smoking;
- to starteat right(this doesn’t mean that you have to limit yourself in anything - instead, you need three meals a day, which contain a variety of flavors and are made up of protein, fat and carbohydrates);
- at least introduce the rhythm of your lifeminimum physical activity(Enough to do some moderate exercise in the morning or evening).
All these measures are not just the prevention of prostatitis. They will help eliminate the cause of the disease and will contribute to the improvement of the overall condition of the body.
You will be surprised to feel how fatigue is reduced, irritability and bad mood disappears, how the body’s resistance to viruses and infections increases.
Diagnosis of prostatitis
In the warehouse of modern doctors - a variety of diagnostic methods that can identify the disease.
Diagnosis of the disease begins with the same method as the diagnosis of almost all diseases begins. These are general clinical and biochemical blood tests, blood tests for markers of HIV, RW and hepatitis, as well as urine tests and studies for the presence of infectious diseases.
Type of research
Special methods for detecting disease include:
- study of prostate gland secretion;
- blood tests for prostate -specific antigen (PSA);
- prostate biopsy (if indicated) to exclude prostate cancer.
One of the most effective classic methods is digital examination of the prostate gland. The effectiveness of this method is such that it allows you to identify not only a given disease, he and a number of other diseases of the prostate gland, including cancer.
Ultrasound examination of the kidneys, bladder, as well as transctal ultrasound of the prostate and seminal vesicles are very important in the diagnosis.
Other methods are used to diagnose complex cases:
- CT scan;
- X-ray examination;
- studies on prostate enzymes, etc. ).
Only after the results of all examinations are received, the doctor can create a treatment program, because there is no single algorithm for everyone. The drugs themselves are not worth it. All that is recommended to be done on your own is to prevent the diseases that have been described above.
Irritation and pain of prostatitis
Exacerbation of prostatitis can occur for a variety of reasons. If you have a chronic illness, the flu, overeating or alcohol abuse is enough for another acute pain attack.
Pain with prostatitis occurs most often in the perineum and scrotum, in the lower back, can sometimes be observed in the anal area. The pain can increase with prolonged sitting (e. g. , when driving a car), with prolonged sexual abstinence or during sexual intercourse, when urinating.
There is only one way out - see a doctor as soon as possible and start treatment. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe the necessary anti-inflammatory medication. But to help your body, you need to follow certain rules.
For example, during the exacerbation of acute prostatitis, it is highly recommended to reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse. You should also boost immunity in every way possible, eat well and consume more fluids.
Methods for the treatment of prostatitis
There is no one answer to the question of how prostatitis is treated. Because each patient has its own characteristics, and the disease manifests itself differently in each person, there is no specific treatment regimen for prostatitis.
Currently, a wide variety of medications and medical procedures are used to treat prostatitis. However, the disease cannot be cured just by taking pills - you can only relieve symptoms for a short time. As a rule, therapy for prostatitis is complex. As a result of various complex procedures and medications, the cause of prostatitis is eliminated and her body recovers.
For the successful treatment of prostatitis, first of all, the qualifications of the doctor and strict adherence to his recommendations are very important.
Massage for prostatitis
According to most men, prostate massage is the most unpleasant procedure to have to deal with with this disease. But, if this procedure is performed by a qualified doctor, the patient will practically not experience any discomfort.
With this disease, massage is one of the most effective methods. It improves blood circulation in the prostate gland (and good blood circulation is one of the main conditions for normal functioning), improves muscle tone, restores ductal resistance, enhances the effects of antibiotic therapy and ultimately helps relieve inflammation.
In addition, lumbosacral area massage is effective for the treatment of prostatitis. Before performing it, it is recommended to do a general massage session or do gymnastic exercises that improve better blood circulation.
There is also a set of exercises for prostatitis, which can be done by the patient independently.
How to treat prostatitis
Today’s drug market offers many drug options for treatment. Never prescribe medication yourself! If you want your treatment to be successful, see your doctor. The specialist will prescribe medication based on your physical condition and the severity of your illness.
Antibiotics for prostatitis
The cost of treating prostatitis, depending on the severity of the case, may vary. This is due to the fact that it consists of the price of the drug and the cost of the procedure prescribed by the doctor.
The use of antibiotics for bacterial prostatitis is unavoidable, as it is necessary to get rid of the infection.
The effectiveness of antibiotic treatment will be effective if a thorough diagnosis of the patient's condition and determination of the optimal dose, duration of treatment and method of drug administration.
The spectrum of antimicrobial action of drugs is no less important. So, if prostatitis is the result of an infectious disease (such as, for example, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia), antibiotics with an appropriate spectrum of action are prescribed.
When prescribing antibiotics, doctors should also take into account the presence of allergic reactions, renal failure. As a rule, along with antibiotics, drugs are prescribed that normalize the intestinal microflora.
It is important to remember that antibiotics are only used to treat bacterial prostatitis. Viral prostatitis is treated with antiviral drugs.
Surgical intervention
Contrary to popular belief, surgery is rarely prescribed for prostatitis. Surgical intervention is an extreme measure and is used when other treatment methods do not bring positive results.
Surgical intervention consists of removing the inflamed area of the prostate gland. The chances of a complete cure are very low. Moreover, various complications are unavoidable, to the point of complete loss of potential.
Surgical intervention, in particular, is indicated by the presence of stones in the prostate gland that cannot be removed, and deep sclerosis of the prostate. In all other cases, despite the high duration and cost of treatment, other methods were used.