The best and cheapest pills for prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate gland is a common problem in mature men. The reason for the development of prostatitis may be hormonal disorders, hypothermia or infectious agents in the body. If the pathological process is not eliminated, then the risk of complications is high. Effective and inexpensive medications prescribed by a doctor will help get rid of the problem. We will analyze the best drugs for prostatitis for 2020.

drug options for prostatitis

The choice of tablets depends on the etiology

To choose the right drug, you need to make a diagnosis, establish the pathological cause, its form. Determine whether there are complications or the process is in the first stage of development.

Inflammation by the nature of the course is acute and chronic. To eliminate both forms, the drug is used in the form of tablets, injections, and suppositories. According to the mechanism of action, the following categories of drugs are used:

types of medications for prostatitis
  • Anti-inflammatory- intended to relieve inflammation and pain of the prostate;
  • It is antibacterial- effective in the bacterial origin of the disease; used only as directed by a physician, after conducting tests to determine the causative agent of the infection;
  • Drugs to improve blood circulation- often the cause of inflammation is stagnation in the pelvic area, and the drug will help to establish blood flow; in addition, they facilitate the flow of antibiotics and other medications to the infected area;
  • Antispasmodic- relieves smooth muscle spasms, improves urination;
  • Hormones- contributes to inhibiting the synthesis of testosterone, because the hormone stimulates tissue growth;
  • vitamin- strengthens the immune system and normalizes the well -being of patients in general.

The best medicineof an inflamed prostate that has helped tens of thousands of men. Prestanol is very easy to use and very effective - it relieves inflammation on the third day.

Effective pills for prostatitis at a price

Prostate disease requires a thorough and thorough approach. In pharmacies today you can buy a variety of products - supplements with unconfirmed effectiveness, herbal medicines with good reviews from people, hormones, etc. However, according to experts, such pills for prostatitis are the most effective:

  1. With prostate extract. It is used for chronic diseases, has prostatotropic, anti-inflammatory effect. The tablets restore prostate size, improve sexual function, and prevent the development of complications. Contraindications to use: high sensitivity to the substance, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency. Allowed even for older men.
  2. Scientists from the Institute of Men's Health Research have proposed a new method of treating the disease based on strengthening the immunity of the prostate gland - as a result, the prostate itself fights infectious agents. The probability of curing prostatitis with drugs based only on natural ingredients is 94%, which has been provenclinical research.
  3. Ingredients aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium- activates the immune response to inflammatory processes in cells, relieves pain and swelling. Effective for any urogenital tract infection. Immunomodulators are well accepted by patients and have no restrictions, except for susceptibility to their constituent components.
  4. Bovhyaluronidase azoximer material- has an enzymatic stimulus to prolonged action. Has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, chelating effect. Available in solution and suppository form. Indications: chronic prostatitis, narrowing of the ureter and urethra, cystitis. Do not use in acute renal failure, malignant tumors, hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage.
  5. Capsules of prostatitis, adenomas. The main ingredient of adrenoblockers - tamsulosin, provides the outflow of urine, significantly reduces symptoms. It is used for chronic prostatitis. Contraindications: liver failure, immunity of constituent components, hypotension.
  6. Tablets containing sabal date fruit extract. The capsule facilitates urination, strengthens blood vessels. How to use: 1 tablet daily after meals. Possible negative reactions may be allergies, abdominal pain.

Means will help to reduce the well -being of patients and relieve inflammation of the prostate gland. Most tablets have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Are cheap pills for prostatitis + price

Some cheap drugs are not inferior in quality to expensive ones. They have the same effect, only at a more affordable cost.

With prostatitis, doctors often prescribe drugs with the following active ingredients:

  1. methamine.It has a complex effect on the male reproductive system. Effective against prostatitis (in the early, chronic and acute phases), urethritis. Strengthens a man's libido and normalizes the function of the prostate gland, qualitatively changing a man's sexual life. This material was used as part of a recent preparation, but already has thousands of positive reviews from men. .
  2. Diklofenac- The substance relieves pain, inflammation and increased body temperature. It occurs in the form of tablets, candles. Tablets are not used for duodenal ulcers, deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract, intolerance to the components, diseases of the kidneys and liver, hypertension. With rectal administration of suppositories, burning and necrosis of adipose tissue can have negative consequences.
  3. Finasteride- a popular ingredient that is often included in prostatitis pills. Eliminates prostate gland related disorders. Reduce the possibility of urinary retention, remove inflammation. It can be used as an independent drug, and as a complex treatment. The only restrictions on admission were individual intolerance and the age of the child.
  4. Inventoryof medicinal plants (St. John's wort, goldenrod, licorice root). Demonstrates bacteriostatic, analgesic action. Restores the function of the urinary system, increases the activity of spermatozoa. Prohibited for use in acute glomerulonephritis, personal intolerance to herbs.
  5. Tablets containing finasteride(components that increase testosterone metabolism). This is a prescription drug for the treatment of prostatitis, continuing urodynamics. The disadvantage of the drug is a decrease in sexual function.
  6. Drugswhich includes biologically active elements derived from pumpkin. Tablets are effective in the presence of hepatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, ulcerative pathology. Dosage: 1-2 capsules 3 times a day. The advantage of the drug is the absence of contraindications. Possible adverse effects: diarrhea, belching.

Attention! Pills for prostatitis are prescribed only after the diagnosis is established. You cannot buy any medicine and expect results from it.

The best candles for prostatitis

The wax is inserted directly into the rectum. The advantages of treatment with suppositories are speed, local use, small list of contraindications, protection of the gastrointestinal tract, and minimal risk of side effects.

With inflammation of the prostate, the following suppositories are prescribed:

  1. This composition is dominated by bovine protein. This tool prevents vascular thrombosis, relieves swelling, eliminates leukocyte infiltration. Candles reduce the frequency of urination, increase sexual desire. Suitable for acute, chronic prostatitis, adenomas, after and before bladder surgery. Method of application: 1 suppository twice a day for 5-10 days. Allergic reactions can be adverse symptomatology.
  2. Analgesics are used for the treatment of adnexitis, cystitis, prostatitis. Wax relieves inflammation and eliminates infection. Contraindications: gastrointestinal ulcers, asthma, renal and hepatic failure. Not prescribed for serious pathology of the cardiovascular system. Indicated 1 suppository 2 times a day, as a preventive measure - 1 suppository at night.
  3. Safe drug based on prostate extract. The action of the suppository aims to restore the tone of the ureter, reduce the size of the organ, prevent the process of stagnation by improving microcirculation. Uroprost also has immunomodulatory properties. Advantages: prostatotropic results, resumption of sperm quality, activation of the immune response.
  4. Wax is good for hemorrhoids and various forms of prostatitis. Corticosteroid hormones have significant anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. Contraindications in diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, hypertension.

Every man should individually choose his medication for prostatitis, there is no universal cure. Eliminating inflammation will help any of the above medications, but it will act on everyone in different ways. The main condition in the treatment is the regularity of use and completion of the therapeutic course to the end, despite the relief that arises.

Drugs for the prevention of prostatitis in men

prevention of prostatitis with vitamins

To prevent inflammation of the prostate gland, special methods are used to prevent it (usually this applies to men who have a free sex life or older people).

As a preventive measure for the formation of prostatitis, it is recommended:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamins E, D;
  • Retinol.

You need to take a vitamin complex and use it several times a year in a specific course. Tablets will help strengthen the immune system, preventing the appearance of prostatitis. It is necessary to prevent STD infections, eliminate bad habits and ensure proper nutrition.

What is more effective in a treatment, pill or suppository?

It is very difficult to eliminate prostate inflammation through pills and injections. These organs have an increased susceptibility to rapid entry of therapeutic solutions. In the event of an overdose, the person's health worsens. It is known that oral agents are processed by the liver, that is, the active ingredient of the tablet can only "not get" in the required amount to the prostate gland.

Suppositories are effective anti-inflammatory drugs.. They are used at different stages of inflammation. Rectal preparations deliver therapeutic substances to the focus of the disease itself, while not causing overdose. The suppository is directed directly to the affected area, retaining all its properties.

Wax normalizes the microflora in the intestine, immediately eliminates the signs of prostatitis. And anti-inflammatory and antibacterial capsules and tablets are used mainly in cases when the pathological cause has not been identified.